Problems with Gym Class

I just came across an video on The Atlantic, The Hidden Costs of P.E., from 2019 and it resonated.

The video addresses how the current Physical Education curriculum might have a counterproductive effect on kids due to the negative experience many children have during PE class. Spoiler: Although the goal of PE in the study discussed was to improve the health of participants it hasn't been proven to work and may even be backfiring. Instead of fostering a love of movement and activity, many kids are bullied, or feel bad about their ability levels making them less likely to want to engage in physical activity.

As parents, this puts some extra pressure on us to help our kids develop a positive association with movement and exercise. I've consistently found that modeling healthy behavior in a fun and positive way is beneficial for the whole family. Self-care isn't selfish. Have some fun with your movement and exercise and make it meaningful to you. When possible, share that love with your family, even if it’s just them watching you find enjoyment and fulfillment out of activities you like. It could be dancing, lifting weights, yoga, sports, running, and so much more. There is never one solution, but find what works for you, and demonstrate how movement is an important part of your life. You’ll feel better and your whole family will thank you down the road.

Jason Levine