Keep Moving Forward

I got a question in a presentation the other night about what chronic pain patients can do when exercise is too hard and everything hurts. What I encouraged the audience to do was look for their starting point, however easy or small it might be. After thinking about it more I was reminded of a quote from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. that hits home even better:

If You Can't Fly Then Run, If You Can't Run Then Walk, If You Can't Walk Then Crawl, but Whatever You Do You Have to Keep Moving Forward.

Your starting point may be pumping your ankles while lying in bed, or swinging your legs from a chair. If that’s all you can do right now, use that as your foundation and start to build up when you’re ready. Sometimes when we try to do too much too quickly our body will let us know. Listen to what your body is telling you, learn from it, and then you can optimize your activity accordingly over time.

If you need help finding your starting point or progressing along your journey to get to the next level of activity - reach out. We love keeping people moving forward

Book a free discovery call today or shoot us an email.

Jason Levine